Jumaat, 5 Disember 2008

xxxxxRokoKxxxxx 2

So.....korang dah tau pasal nicotine....
camner nk stop smoking??
nih conversation dua orang yang aku amik dlm forum

Soalan : Adakah anda setuju harga rokok di Malaysia nih naik?

Faizul : apa2 sahajalah... sekotak RM50 pun aku dah xpeduli..aku dah bebas dari jadik hamba rokok... i'm free... i'm free...

ieky : faizul how did u do it? tlg la bagi pape tips.. plsss... plsss...

Faizul :

~stop buying, even lighter.

~just stop smoking, there is no last one, last day, last pam,!stop right where you are now...

~make friends with candies/nut/chewing gum/ or whatever that will always stay in your mouth except...of course cigarettes itself

~avoid "melepak" or gather with smoker until you can handle the hunger (1-2 month)

~stay in a place which you can't start smoking (etc. surau,masjid,by ur parents) and do something that prevent you from smoking (take a bath, pray, jogging, bowling, eat, cinemas, most of all... always stay with non-smoker group)

p/s: i done too many kind of things to stop smoke, but the true key is its a fight against yourself and its take strong will to do so....

by the way,, you will suffer almost 2 whole month of side effect before you can fell normal again..

2-3 week with weak body (able to stay awake and work just for max. 7-8 hour only, you will be very2 sleepy)

2-3 week after that your chest will hurt and hard to breathe (its feel like someone sitting on your chest)

and other kind of problem... maybe you face it or maybe not...
i have smoke over 20 years...
i stop it drastically , i cough for more than a month after the previous effect with blood in it....
its very annoying to cough 24/7 for more than a month even in bed...

just imagine to repeatedly go to bed-toilet all the time and its always got blood in it...

its easy to smoke...
even 6 years old kid can smoke...

to quit..... huh....
what i can say is... "good luck"

Well then...nih jer la yg. aku bley tolong those yg. smoking out there dan those yg. nk smoking...

ape yang penting?!Kerjesama!!!

eh..bukan kerjasama la..igt kan Wonder Pet ker?apa yang penting ialah determination korang untuk stop smoking and find alternative laen kalu korang nk buat kawan..apa yang sure skrang nih..korang dh. tau skit sebanyak about rokok nih...

dgr ceramah Nik Aziz...pasal rokok nih

InsyaAllah 2 artikel nih bley la bantu korang skit sebanyak.....tolong la stop rokok..4 your own future and ur life....

1 ulasan:

Tanpa Nama berkata...

harap2lah ader orang yg. bley stop smoking sbb. article nih...

congrats ats article nih