Well,dah lepas dh. minggu yg. ke-17 and ape result yg. kite bley?
for the 2nd time taun nih, sumer 4 big guns x leh nk mng..
sumer seri..
Skali agi,Arsenal x leh nak find consistency utk. mng. setiap game and skali agi berada dlm. positon 2 games without winning (lepas kalah ngang Porto)..Walaupun position Arsenal skrang(no.5) nampak x leh mng. BPL agi, tapi Arsene Wenger still believe team dier bley fight for the title....harap-harap camtu ah....
Scorer=>Jeremie Aliadiere scored against his old side equalises gol penanduk yg. disumbat oleh Adebayor,
Hull tgh. leading 2-0 tp. nasib baek x mng. lwn. ngan Liverpool...Tp. Gerrard jd. Superman tlg Liverpool score balek 2 goals...Nasib baek Gerrard tuh power, kalau x abis la Liverpool, Torres injured dlm. game nih and Keane jd. substitute..Benitez x masukkan Keane dlm. game pon walaupun second half dey all perlukan goal dan instead dier masukkan youngster....cyan kt. Robbie Keane...dlm. game nih, first game Hull mmg. byk possesion tp. second half Liverpool conquer skit tp. Hull still fight back,kredit to Hull City
Scorer => Paul Mcshane sumbat gol penanduk satu pastu Jamie Carragher sumbat own goal utk. bagi Hull lead 2-0 sebelum Steven Gerrard equalises dgn. 2 gol dlm. 8 minit..
Chelsea seri ngan West Ham,1-1
nih bukan skali lagi...nih pat-kali lagi Chelsea failed nak mng. kat Stamford Bridge....aku tgk. game nih start mase 27th min, and ape yg. aku nmpk, Anelka x leh nk. buat aperx2 sbb. ader 2 org. mark dier..tp. second half Scolari masukkan Drogba and maser min ke 51, Anelka sumbat thanx to Lampard punyer flick...nice assist, Carlton Cole ader chance nk. score skali, tp. sbb. slow sgt,kena halang kt. Petr Cech...Nasib baek Chelsea seri, lega Liverpool sbb. still no.1 dgn. beza point 1 ajer.....
Scorer: Craig Bellamy sumbat his 2nd goal of the season thx. to assist drp. Noble mase 1st half b4 Anelka sumbat his 100th league gol and gol penyamaan minit ke 51..
Man U seri ngan Tottenham...0-0
Game nih aku x leh nak komen sgt. sbb. aku x tgk pon game nih..
kalau korang nk. baca review..bukak link kat soccernet.com.....
and skali agi Aston Villa naek no. 4..and Arsenal jatuh no.5.....
sbb. Aston Villa naek no.4..aku pon ltk. jugak la gambar diorang kt. sini
Game nih pon aku x tgk jugak,tp. bolton score dulu b4 aston villa sumbat 4 gol and bolton sumbat satu agi..congrats to Aston Villa sbb. berjaya naek top 4 second time thn. nih!!diorang stay unbeaten dlm. 5 games tp. second time mng. kt. Villa Park since September...
Scorer => Elmander sumbat dulu first gol bagi bolton lead 1-0 lepas tuh Gabriel Agbonlahor sumbat 2 gol,Davies scored own goal,dan Ashley Young jadikan 4-1 and Davies scored consolation goal utk. jadikan 4-2
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