Well, lepas 20 games nmpknyer. Liverpool maintain top position dgn. beza 3 point clear from tempat kedua, Chelsea.....And as usual aku akan write review the top 5 guns game (Aston Villa Termasuk skali) pada hari Jumaat and Ahad and Isnin.....
Friday Fixtures
Liverpool vs Bolton => 3-0
Game nih Liverpool maen mmg. best.. keep switching plays dari kiri ke kanan ke kiri..no wonder diorang bley score 3 goals. 2 gol drp. Robbie Keane,Striker and satu agi drp. Riera, Left Winger yg. disubstitute in 2nd half 4 Nabil El Zhar....<-Player fav aku dlm. Football Manager!! Chelsea vs West Brom => 2-0
Sng. sajer buat Chelsea.. dominate abis-abis game nih...no wonder pon sbb. lawan dier nih just West Brom, team yg. last skali dlm. BPL...Didier Drogba scored 1 gol pada minit ke 4 and Frank Lampard scored satu agi..pada ari jumaat tuh, Chelsea maen dulu b4 Liverpool and mng. this game...so diorang naek no.1 skejap tp. Liverpool mng. game vs bolton so diorang turun balek no.2...
Man Utd vs Stoke => 1-0
Game nih ialah first game bagi Man U yg. baru lepas mng. Club World Cup di Japan...and bley lihat side effectsnyer dlm. game nih...Stoke dpt. hang on to 0-0 result sehinggalah Tevez sumbat gol kemenangan..walaupun Stoke ader a handful of chances..tapi diorang x leh nk. convert so diorang terpaksalah pay the price....
Arsenal vs Aston Villa => 2-2
unlucky....tu je la satu ungkapan yg. sesuai buat game nih...at least maser 1st half....Aston Villa dominate totally bbrp. puluh minit dlm. first half..players diorg. hit the post 4 kali....tp. x de satu pon yg. dgr. ckp. nk. masuk gol...serang punyer lah Aston Villa nih tp. sape yg. sumbat dulu? Denilson sumbat satu gol for Arsenal during first half pastu in 2nd half, Abou Diaby sumbat satu agi..dh skrang nih dh. 2-0....tp. the Villans x mengalah....lepas Gareth Barry scored penalty, Knight scored the equaliser during injury time...
Sunday Fixtures
Liverpool vs Newcastle => 5-1
Total domination......Liverpool pamerkan World Class game...nice free-flowing game...diorang mmg. deserve utk. stay at the top at least for the 2008 and kalau diorang show consistency, maybe finally since 1990, the EPL title finally akan Liverpool menangi balik..all thanks to Liverpool punyer player yg. dpt. produce this outstanding result especially thanx for Steven Gerrard....dlm. game nih Steven Gerrard scored 2 gol,Xabi Alonso 1 gol, Babel satu gol and Sami Hyppia satu gol while utk. Newcastle Edgar scored 1 gol...
Arsenal vs Porstmouth => 1-0
One more dissapointing game from Arsenal...mase first half diorang x ley nk. produce inspiring plays except for a few,especially yg. Adebayor x boleh nk. score walaupun dh. berjaya kecek David James...kehilangan Fabregas mmg. dirasai and diorang punyer Midfielders pon x leh nk. produce Arsenal punyer type of play...diorang x bley nk. score until 80+ min whr. Gallas sumbat gol penanduk satu thx. to kesilapan David James...Peter Crouch nearly scored 1 gol mase 1st half tp. kena tiang....unlucky again
Chelsea vs Fulham => 2-2
Outsanding Fulham maintan unbeaten in 9 EPL games!!rase pelik pulak sbb. bukan team top 4/5 yg. stay unbeaten tp. stay unbeaten x bermaksud mng. blake kan? Last 9 games diorg. dh. lawan ngan team yg. mantap mantap...Chelsea,Liverpool,Aston Villa and all these 3 games diorang draw....form diorang last 10 games ialah 1 kalah 3 mng. 6 seri.....and now diorang berada pada tangga ke-9..with 1 game in hand..kalau diorang mng. satu lagi game vs Blackburn(10 Jan) diorang bley 29 points and a possible 7th place....for Chelsea....result nih bermaksud diorang trail Liverpool by 3 points until 10 Januari...a blow for Chelsea and for Luiz Felipe Scolari...record away diorang dh. tercalar skit...sbb. seri yg. nih....dlm. game nih Dempsey score first gol bagi lead kpd. Fulham b4 Frank Lampard scored 2 goals b4 Dempsey scored the equaliser....
Monday Fixtures
Manchester United vs Middlesborough => 1-0
Mmg. kemenangan yg. diiningi oleh Sir Alex Ferguson...selepas dey all mng. 1-0 ngan stoke, diorang repeat again kemenangan yg. sama ke atas Boro...kali ini dengan gol yg. disumbat oleh Dimitar Berbatov....walaupun golkeeper Boro berjaya buat magnificient saves namun still Man U berjaya score juga akhirnya.....gol Man U x banyak sgt. diancam walaupun ader bbrp. chances for Boro..all in all...a well deserved win for Man U and should be lebih byk. gol tp. thanks to keeper Turnbull, making fantastic saves to deny Man U drp. bagi nightmare kpd. Boro....Man U still ader 2 games in hand and kalau diorang mng both, diorang akan dpt. 44 points which means 2nd place above Chelsea and 1 point di belakang Liverpool.....
Tuesday Fixtures
Aston Villa 1-0 Hull City
A sigh of relief for Martin O Neill sbb. team die bley stay at top 4 until 10 January 2009 at least....huhuhu....unlucky for Hull City sbb. x leh nk. grab 1 point drp. game nih..although the game sbenarnye balanced ajer....tp. akhirnya an own goal from Hull City player give Aston Villa kemenangan 1-0...pd. minit terakhir perlawanan nih, Hull sbenarnye diberikan penalti sbb. bola yg. ditanduk oleh one of Hull City player kena tangan Ashley Young tp. Linesman kte. bukan penalti sbb. bola tuh bukan kena tangan tp. kena post..and the replay jugak mengesahkan bahawa bola tak kena tangan....congrats to Aston Villa sbb. bley break into top 4....
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