Ahad, 30 November 2008



juz nak kongsi bersama korang ceramah drp. ustaz kt masjid tadi...
pasal hati nih....but jz brief n pendek...x padat dgn info tp still pengetahuan jugak...

..pasal hati..
tp. hati nih. bukanlah hati yang konstruk,yang mana kita boleh lihat bentuknya,boleh pegang,tetapi satu perkara abstrak,
hati nih kate ulama2 terpecah kepada 3 jenis...

1)Hati yang telah mati

Hati yang telah mati nih berada pada orang munafik, orang kafir sebagaimana yang terdapat dalam Al-Quran, ayat apa saya x igt(kalau sesiapa terjumpa ayat nih tlg anta comment kt post nih ataupun hantar kt chatbox)... orang kafir nih kate kpd. nabi...

"hati kami telah mati"
2) hati yg 'neutral' Hati nih ada pada manusia yang apabila die terdedah kpd. perkara2 positif,hati dier akan sejuk, die akan ikut perkara positif tuh,etc. zikir,solat,baca Al-Quran,tp kalu manusia nih terdedah kpd. prkara.2 maksiat,maka dia akan terikut-ikut dgn. perkara negatif itu dan dia akan lemas.Hati nih hati yg perlu diubat..sbb majoriti kita skrang berada di tahap ini...masih boleh dibawak ke jln. yg benar, jauh drp. jln. yg. daif dan jalan yg. serong drp. jalan lurus yg telah ditetap oleh Allah.

3)hati yg. hidup....
Hati ini dimiliki oleh manusia yang taat kpd. Allah..setia kpd. Allah,seperti yg dimiliki oleh para sahabat dan ulama2.hati jenis inilah yang kita kehendaki..

InsyaAllah, kite akan berjaya memiliki hati yang hidup
taatlah senantiasa kepada Allah dan ingatlah bahawa Dia yang telah menciptakan kita.. btw..bukak youtube dan tulis native deen dan cari lagu dier yang bertajuk i only fear my lord Allah

Surah Al-Mu'minun Surah 23;Ayat 1-11
[1]Sesungguhnya berjayalah orang-orang yang beriman,
Iaitu mereka yang khusyuk dalam sembahyangnya;

[3]Dan mereka yang menjauhkan diri dari perbuatan dan perkataan yang sia-sia;

Dan mrk. yang berusaha membersihkan hartanya (dengan menunaikan zakat harta itu);
[5]Dan mereka yang menjaga kehormatannya, -
[6]Kecuali kpd. isterinya atau hamba sahayanya maka sesungguhnya mereka tidak tercela:
Kemudian, sesiapa yang mengingini selain dari yang demikian, maka merekalah orang-orang yang melampaui batas;
[8]Dan mereka yang menjaga amanah dan janjinya;
Dan mereka yang tetap memelihara sembahyangnya;

Mereka itulah orang-orang yang berhak mewarisi -
[11]Yang akan mewarisi Syurga Firdaus; mereka kekal di dalamnya.

Jumaat, 28 November 2008

Hakeem Olajuwon -Player lamer yg plg aku minat


Hari nih aku nk tulih psl. player fav aku yg tlh retired -hakeem olajuwon- antara sbb yg plg obvious die fav aku sbb dier maen center..aku pon maen center gak...
n dier trmasuk dlm hall of fame dlm Nba..tapi ader satu mnde yg mnarik psl die nih..
die org Islam...believe it or not....mase dier pose pon dier masih maen..

nih quote aku amik drp wikipedia...


In Olajuwon's college career and early years in the NBA, he was often undisciplined, talking back to officials, getting in minor fights with other players such as Magic Johnson, and amassing technical fouls. But later, Olajuwon took an active interest in spirituality,[37] becoming a more devout Muslim. On March 9, 1991, he altered his name from Akeem to the proper Arabic spelling Hakeem, saying, "I'm not changing the spelling of my name, I'm correcting it".[38] He later recalled,
"I studied the Qur'an every day. At home, at the mosque...I would read it in airplanes, before games and after them. I was soaking up the faith and learning new meanings each time I turned a page. I didn't dabble in the faith, I gave myself over to it."[38] Olajuwon was still recognized as one of the league's elite centers despite his strict observance of Ramadan (e.g., abstaining from food and drink during daylight hours for about a month), which occurred during virtually every season of his career. Olajuwon was noted as sometimes playing better during the month, and in 1995 he was named NBA Player of the Month in February, even though Ramadan began on February 1 of that year.[4][39]

btw..aku first2 knal dier nih mase aku ckp ngan jerry,f5 sesma...pstu balek umah aku cari dier nih dlm youtube..mmg ader pon

Top 10 career plays

Hakeem dominates Robinson

Rabu, 26 November 2008



aku terbukak blog nih..x tau camner x igt..
tp blog nih mmg bagus tp ilmu agamanyer mmg tinggi


banyak ilmu kt situ..and skali lagi aku bgtau kt korg..ilmu kt situ mmg tinggi...
aku pon baru jumpe blog tuh ari nih...

Selasa, 25 November 2008

More native deen songs


juz nk bg korang dgr lagu dey all dgn lbh jelas..masyaAllah mmg best lagu dier.....

I'm not afraid to stand alone


Well,kalau korang nk dgr other lagu from native deen,aku dh buat playlist kt youtube.com...tekan link kt bawah nih...

dan lagu from zain bikha....south african nasyeed singer.....

Lagu2 Native Deen


Truly, lagu from native deen mmg power n walaupun dlm bentuk rap, sebenarnye lagunyer byk moral dlm nyer....kire lagu dey all nih nasyid a...membawa kpd. kebaikan...kalu korang ade mase aku recommend korang dgr lagu dey all kt mane2 pon...kt WAKAFstop pon ader gak tp 3 jer.....nih ialah lyric bagi lagu Intention dan I'm not afraid to stand alone...

sbenarnya lagu i'm not afraid to stand alone 3.30 min shj yg main..yg laen tu additional sajer n lagu intention tuh sbenarnye 4.37 min shj...


I am not afraid to stand alone
I am not afraid to stand alone
If Allah is by my side
I am not afraid to stand alone
Everything will be alright
I am not afraid to stand alone
Gonna keep my head up high

Single mother raising her children
Now she's a Muslim
Started praying and wearing a headscarf
It was a healing for her heart

Struggling with no one to lean on
But with prayer she would be strong
Got a job but then she was laid off
Got a better education and it paid off

Got a call for a job that she dreamed of
Close by, great pay -she was in love -
They brought her in, told her she's the number one pick
“You got the job, but you gotta lose the outfit"

It's a tough position that you put me in
Cause I’ve been struggling with my two children
But I'll continue looking for a job again
My faith and my religion now will never bend


Peer pressure, they were insisting
And I was resisting
Some days I felt I would give in
Just wanted to fit in

I know when I’m praying and fasting’
They be teasing and laughing
So I called to my Lord for the power
For the strength every day, every hour...

Then one day there’s a new Muslim teacher
Single mom and the people respect her
Just seeing her strength I get stronger
They can break my will no longer

You don’t see me sweating when they’re jokes're cracking
Never see me cussing’ with my pants saggin’
I aint never running yo I’m still standing
I ride with Allah to the very end


I am not afraid to stand alone...

Now, I’m a tough one, who can bear their blows
The rest play dumb, they don’t dare say no
Scared of being shunned, but its clear they know
I aint never gonna run, I aint scared no more….

Man, these sisters be resolute
Never stressed when the rest say they wasn’t cute
And they get the respect of the other youth
Come best with the dress yo and that’s the truth

These sisters are strong gonna hand it down
So me I’m a brotha gotta stand my ground
I aint gonna shudder, when the gangs around
Peer pressure whatever, its my planet now

Others may fall, I’mma hold my own
With Allah’s help I’ll be strong as stone
And I’mma be brave and let Al Islam be shown
Cause you I know I not afraid to stand alone


Intentions [4.37]

Waking up in the morning, gotta make my prayer
Am I really gonna' make it, when there is no one there?
Taking trips to the masjid (mosque), even when it's tough
Am I going for the sake of Allah? Am I showing off?
Gonna' get me the knowledge, gonna study Islam
Am I going just to build my ego? so they call me “the Man”?
Does it matter if the people respect me, when its not for Allah?
When I know anytime He can take me, without one real du'a (prayer)
Does it matter if they say I'm a big shot?
when I get no reward for my deeds
And I'm dragged on the Day of Resurrection
Cause of the folks that I wanted to please
Plus I know that Allah has the power
To raise me up in their eyes if it need be
I should always make my intentions, for my Lord, Allah completely

Chorus: Are my Intentions alright? am I doing it for Allah?
When I'm looking deep, deep down inside, do I have the right niyyah?

Wearing thoubs and a kufi, kufi
Miswaks leather socks like the old days
Am I trying to follow the Prophet? or am I seeking praise?
Giving talks on Islam to the people
I'd be quoting Hadith and Qur'an
Am I speaking so they like how I'm speaking? and they say I'm “the Bomb”
Donate to Islamic centers, giving money so the Deen can grow
Am I giving for the sake of Allah? or is it for show?
Many times I have found my intentions
Are not what I want them to be
I know I start on the right direction
But Shaitan starts talking to me
And I forget that without my niyyah, I'm just wasting my time
My intentions cannot bring the reward, when they're out of line
So I pray to Allah to help me, to do everything for Him only
Doesn't matter if the people despise me
Cause with Allah I can never be lonely

[Chorus 2];Yah Allah, accept this niyyah
Coming from young Muslims striving to be believers
So on the day, our deeds You'll measure. Know we only did this strictly for Your pleasure, Your pleasure
Your mercy, Your ajur (reward), Your Jannah (heaven), forever and ever and ever
And reward us for those who listen
Heeded to the message, changing their condition
And know that everything up until this point I've ever written
I submit as my repentance
And if its blessings You're sending my way
I beg You hold them to the judgement day

so maybe in Jannah I can look back and say...it was a lovely day, a lovely day , a lovely day, yes a lovely day

Chorus (x3)
[Chorus 2]

Bincang reunion ONLINE [SKTM 0005]


nih ader satu pengumuman kepada sumer dak2 sktm 00-05...
mlm nih sharp at 9 p.m
tlg on9 blake sbb nk bincang psl reunion....

Isnin, 24 November 2008

Cool Clips

Kembar & Lawak Jepun

first klip tuh mmg agak best tp lawak jepun tuh aku x faham....

Lawak Jepun

Olympic Games Highlights



Kalu tgk sekali title nih kan mcm maksudnyer onemanga...kalau translate bahasa melayu..satu buah mangga...btol ke nih...

huhuhu..nih bukannyer buah mangga doh...tp manga komik jepun doh...hehehe..back to the point

aku pasti mostly korang nih minat nak baca manga kan? Kalau bukan sumer manga pon mesti ader satu kan?

naruto,bleach,eyeshield,one piece,kekkaishi,hajime no ippo,fullmetalalchemist,soul eater,yakitate japan,bakuman,liar game,gintama...bla..bla..bla..bla

so manga2 nih bley dibaca di website nih..


ha..tunggu ape lagi..bukak website tuh utk. enjoy manga yg terkini



Announcement nih sgt penting....
Wakaf_stop bukannyer yang aku sorang..
maksudnyer aku x bercadang untuk post dlm blog nih sorang2 la
so aku akan invite author2 laen yg bley post dalam blog nih...

...etc. bdk2 sktm 00-05...nnt kalau ari skolah klau korang nk post kt blog nih pon bley..walaupun aku ader kat sekolah SESMA(sbb. kat sane kuang skit mase nk bukak internet)....

kalau sesape yang berminat untuk menjadi author dalam blog nih....
sila hanta msg ke saya di e-mel ni sekiranya anda berminat

cid_2horn@yahoo.com (admin)

Harap maklum

Mnde yg nk buat mase cuti?!


macam dh dimaklumkan dlm kertas yg ade tulis tarikh tuh(mende agaknyer),cuti stat 14 November(ke 13,aku x igt la plak)....n skrang nih dh 24 November 2008...banyak mnde bley buat tp x tau nk buat aper...tp antara perkara yg pasti korang buat....

tido,mandi,semayang,tgk tv,berus gigi,buka suis lampu/kipas, berjalan, pejam mata, kelip mata,top-up kedit........

dn mcm2 lagi...bak kata dlm iklan Astro...(aku x igt nama org tuh)

Macam-macam Ada
(bley buat.....aku tmbh skit)

hnh..biarlah...tu saje je nk buat lawak skit?x lawak ke?alaa bagilah reaction skit.huhuhu...k...skrang aku serious dh nih...ape yg korang ptt buat mase cuti nih?nih ler list yg aku dh rdy..khas utk korang....tp nih bkn ni sajer yg korang kene buat...ade lg yg ptt krg buat...

1)Stadi subjek bg nxt year...(klu f1 thn nih..stadi f2 thn dpn,f2 stadi f3 and so on)

2)Buat fitness bg yg nak maen sukan nxt year(bagi SESMA basketballerz...thn. dpn. kene buat fitness byk klu nk mng)

3)Tido cukup2..jgn lebey sgt...6/7/8 jam oklah...

4)Kalu yg x reti nk bace Quran tuh..ha mase nilah nk blaja baca Quran

5)Baca berita dunia/negara...backup ape yg kite miss mase kt skul dulu..nnt kn bkn jd katak bwh tempurung tp jd. cam queen semut bwh tanah..x prnh berenti b'tlur..x kisah ape yg brlaku kt org laen kcuali kt diri sndri.. [nih bagi yg ader kt Asrama Penuh esp.]

6)Contact ngan fren2..yg lame esp.[nih pon bg yg ader kt asrama]

7)Hafal ayat2/surah2 Quran.....nih mmg pnting

nih la antaranyer...ader lg byknyer..tp ape yg aku tulis nih hanyer dlm point of view aku jer...esp.. utk f3 SESMA ler...klu skolah biase tuh mgkin laen skit kot...k la aku nk mengundurkn diri dh nih..bley x?


Bola Sepak => Bola yang sepak ke Bola kene sepak


Bola Sepak => Bola YANG sepak ke bola KENE sepak?

mende2 pon...
untuk sesape yang tak tau result bola sepak minggu nih ataupun bagi sesape yang dah terlupa..meh aku buat korang igt balek......

Chelsea 0-0 Newcastle
Liverpool 0-0 Fulham
Man City 3-0 Arsenal
Aston Villa 0-0 Man Utd
Portsmouth 2-2 Hull City
Middlesbrough 1-3 Bolton
Sunderland 0-1 West Ham
Tottenham 1-0 Blackburn
Wigan 1-0 Everton

Huhuhu...Nih saje je nak bagi korang tau..nak buat igt semula....nnt sng skit krg nak tau rseult bukak jer blog aku n BAM...depan muka result tu ade..haha kn nih wakaf_stop..tmpat plg bst nk stop?!

tgk Arsenal klh ngan Man City.3-0 tuh...
sape2 fan Arsenal sinih minta maaf ah..Arsenal dah kalah 2 kali berturut-turut (Villa n Man City) selepas mng 2 kali berturut-turut (Man Utd n Wigan) and skrang berada di tanggan ke-5..Villa naek no.4 tuh....

kalu sape2 yg tgk game tuh Man City mmg byk chance nk score..Arsenal pon ade gak..3 kali rasenyer...tp x leh nk score...

bg MU plak..nasib baek x klh ngan Villa...tp Sun-Jin Park ngan Rooney pon ade pluang nk score tp x leh nk convert..cyan kat Ronaldo truk die kne mark smpai kene substitute(x sure knape,mgkin x effective kot)...huhu spe2 MU fans,relax,points beza ngan Liverpool ngan Chelsea 8 jer..x byk..huhuu



blog nih x formal mane macam yang satu lagi...yang full mat salleh tuh..huhuhu
kat www.swiftsong.blogspot.com..tuh pon aku malas nk update..sampai tergantung camtu nah...hahahha....

well, mende2 pon blog nih kalu bley tlg respon a skit...cyan kat aku x de org pon anta comment kat blog aku yg lame dulu...huhuhu

well..guess x mende dh aku nak royak...so aku chow dulu deh? bley x?......
