masa utk ape yer?
28 Mei smpai 13 Jun...
bagi sesetengah org. la..
this time of year yang diorang nk..
acucubetryteh teka mase mnde nih..
ni masa cuti pertengahan tahun la..
x kan la ni pown nk fikir 4 jam..
cam nak maen chess la plak..
bagi aku la....mase cuti nih satu mase yg. susah bagiku...
target+vision b4 cuti nih byk...
nk studi, siap homework, nak buat stamina, nak perkemas nota..
tp. ble je smpai rumah..
laen plak jadinya..
susah btullar..
mnde nih start when I entered boarding school..
sbb. kt boarding school study serious jer.
but when I returned home...
rase cam nk revenge......
nk lpaskan gian nk maen
that's what happened for the last 4 years...
and I think i have wasted these priceless hours....
priceless,priceless hours,,or even days
or weeks or years.....
maybe if I can count the days i have wasted, maybe it reached 1 year...
1 year...
I could finish a small research in 1 year...
actually, i planned a research...
but somehow when i returned home, i just cant managed to do anything that would be beneficial
well, maybe not nothing..
but only a few things that I did were beneficial....
and this continued on till this day...during this second...
This made me think....
Whether habit like this can make me
successful in my future life
from deep deep down
a confession from a humble teen