or in english, should I say,
..Peace be upon you..
Well, this post will be full english, just for your information. No, don't think that I've changed into an English freak or something else, just want to test my English(since I haven't written an essay lately).
Ok..before I begin writing(well, frankly speaking, a weird statement, because I already wrote some,oh well, whatever.I think I'm gonna change it)
Ok..before I continue writing(well, maybe better),just want to say sorry to all of you for not writing any piece of masterpiece(er..maybe not so appropriate)..sorry for not writing anything lately...
Well, there's a lot of activity going about for the last 2 months and I think i'm gonna write about it later..
For now..
Peace be upon you
Rabu, 5 Ogos 2009
Jumaat, 5 Jun 2009
Maen Game+Susah nk studi+Balek umah+program-program= Cuti
This is the time,
masa utk ape yer?
28 Mei smpai 13 Jun...
bagi sesetengah org. la..
this time of year yang diorang nk..
acucubetryteh teka mase mnde nih..
ni masa cuti pertengahan tahun la..
x kan la ni pown nk fikir 4 jam..
cam nak maen chess la plak..
bagi aku la....mase cuti nih satu mase yg. susah bagiku...
target+vision b4 cuti nih byk...
nk studi, siap homework, nak buat stamina, nak perkemas nota..
tp. ble je smpai rumah..
laen plak jadinya..
susah btullar..
mnde nih start when I entered boarding school..
sbb. kt boarding school study serious jer.
but when I returned home...
rase cam nk revenge......
nk lpaskan gian nk maen
that's what happened for the last 4 years...
and I think i have wasted these priceless hours....
priceless,priceless hours,,or even days
or weeks or years.....
maybe if I can count the days i have wasted, maybe it reached 1 year...
1 year...
I could finish a small research in 1 year...
actually, i planned a research...
but somehow when i returned home, i just cant managed to do anything that would be beneficial
well, maybe not nothing..
but only a few things that I did were beneficial....
and this continued on till this day...during this second...

This made me think....
Whether habit like this can make me
successful in my future life
from deep deep down
a confession from a humble teen
masa utk ape yer?
28 Mei smpai 13 Jun...
bagi sesetengah org. la..
this time of year yang diorang nk..
acucubetryteh teka mase mnde nih..
ni masa cuti pertengahan tahun la..
x kan la ni pown nk fikir 4 jam..
cam nak maen chess la plak..
bagi aku la....mase cuti nih satu mase yg. susah bagiku...
target+vision b4 cuti nih byk...
nk studi, siap homework, nak buat stamina, nak perkemas nota..
tp. ble je smpai rumah..
laen plak jadinya..
susah btullar..
mnde nih start when I entered boarding school..
sbb. kt boarding school study serious jer.
but when I returned home...
rase cam nk revenge......
nk lpaskan gian nk maen
that's what happened for the last 4 years...
and I think i have wasted these priceless hours....
priceless,priceless hours,,or even days
or weeks or years.....
maybe if I can count the days i have wasted, maybe it reached 1 year...
1 year...
I could finish a small research in 1 year...
actually, i planned a research...
but somehow when i returned home, i just cant managed to do anything that would be beneficial
well, maybe not nothing..
but only a few things that I did were beneficial....
and this continued on till this day...during this second...
This made me think....
Whether habit like this can make me
successful in my future life
from deep deep down
a confession from a humble teen
Ahad, 22 Mac 2009
Assalamualaikum W.B.T.pepon b4 aku proceed ngan citer2 yg. menarik dan sw33t m3m0ry we all...aku nak perkenalkan dulu skuad Terengganu nih.....sorry la gambar blur asl ade dn bley igt. ok la.....
Yg. Belakang Skali dr. kiri : Fatin, Syahirah, Farah, Sufiah, Muhsin, Aku la sape lagi, Azman, Amirul,Muqri,Nazrin,Faez,
Yg. ke-3 Belakang dari kiri: Mardy, Amira, Cikgu Khaliza, Ckgu Rosli, Ckgu Hamidi, Ckgu Wan Zani, Aminurrasyid, Huzaimi, Adli
Yg. ke-2 Depan dari kiri no.:Aminah, Najmi, Raihan, Najwa, Farhana, Adli, Aiman (Z), Aiman (A), Syawal
Yg. Paling Depan dari kiri no:Musfirah, Hamidah, Khadijah, Fatimah, Ain, Syahirah, Aisyah, Arif,Aziz, Syarhan, Mubin
Sorry la kat korang sbb aku dah lama x update blog ni (ader orang marah ke?x de pon kan) mungkin sbb aku on hiatus lame sgt.. x de org dh bace blog aku lps2 nih...
x pe la...aku nak citer la pasal terengganu MSSM 2009 tahun nih.. berlangsung di Hotel Goldcourse, Klang, Selangor dari 16-20 Mac 2009. Tapi sebelum aku citer pasal tournament nih aku nak citer ckit ckit la pasal latihan pusat yang dijalankan kat PPD Dungun lama.
We all mari kat PPD Lama Dungun pada 4 Mac 2009 agi sampai 12 Mac 2009. Aku x mau citer a pasal mnde yg. kite latihkan tp. the Sw33t M3m0ry yg we all buat mse kat sane.....Ni gambar aku makan ngan Azman kat PPD lama....Skali aku makan 2 bungkus abis...jd. kuota makanan utk. aku ialah 2 bungkus sehari..hu4...gembira rasenyer perut di hati....aku pegi sana mmg. kena cop sbagai "The Great Eater" a....sume org kalu x abis mknn offer kat aku..aku cam terasa diri ni mcam riya' la plak bagitau yang aku nih "The Great Eater"...(orang x kisah kan?)
Gambar ni plak mase kat taman...For sumer orang punyer information...depan PPD lama tu ade taman permainan..and ptg2.. lpas gler sungguh training..we all pon rehat2 le kat taman nih...tapi yg. gambar skrang nih membuktikan bhw. Terengganu team mmg. suka makan HOT DOG...LOL..tgk tuh... makan hot dog blake.....hu4...yg. di sebelah kanan aku tuh faez @ nabil...hu3
Dari Kiri: Rasyid MRSMKB, Azman SESDU, Adli SMKDG, Muqri TESMAL, Nazrin IMTIAZ KT, Muhsin IZ, Aku SESMA, Faez @ Nabil TMS(ke ader glaran laen dh?)
Adoi...kalu korang tgk selipar aku kan..tgk 3..ha ader ape kat situ? jawapn nyer senang sajer.... Azman mnde jawapan nyer? nvm nvm..6t aku bagitau...k btw...selipar tuh kat PPD nih due2 putus..menginjuredkn selipar tu la nasib baek selipar tu x mati lagi.aku bley la pakai sampai balik cuti ari khamis 2 hari.....ok..lets go the next picture.....mnde?jawapan mnde plak? kat Selipar tuh ade mnde?la..tgk betol2...
kan ade kaki kat situ....ha5....ketawalah.... ...... .... ..
x lawak ke? Terbolah aku dibuatnyer.....
Ha....satu lagi citer pasal kat taman permainan nih...igt x? yang tukang amik gambar td....kesian kat Mirol sbb. x ley masuk gambar tuh so aku pon decide utk amik la gambar photographer kite nih..huhu....TQ AZ!!!ah..jap... nmpk x batu kat blakang tuh..x nampak ke? x pe x pe nanti kte jenguk kjap
Ni plak gambar aku naek batu...Ha batu..nilah batu yang berada di belakang Mirol tadi...Hello guys..Aku berjaya mendaki Batu Kinabalu!!Hu4...
Gambar nih plak ialah gambar kiteorang naek Batu Kinabalu beramai2...Tgk tuh...Nak jatuh blake tuh..tuh la sbbnyer menyenggeng ke arah kiri.....hu4
Gambar nih mase kiteorang nak turun drp. Batu Kinabalu....bahaya nih....nnt. jatuh kan x pasal2 kna pegi hospital balut 50 kali...
Ok...aku amik skit jer gambar lepas nih...x tau nk rated camner.....hmmm......tgk je la dulu...klu x leh tgk.. jgn tgk....
OH NOES!!!!Berat Benana demo.....KUCING BERANAK
dlm beg!!! Satu situasi yang mengejutkan dan membestkan lagi latihan pusat PPD nih...for your information today is our friend's birthday.... on behalf of the Terengganu Chess Players and humankind..I would like to wish happy birthday to the 3 cats...Blacky..Snow..and Ebony..We hope you will succeed and live happily...
btw..pepon...nak tau x beg sape yg. jd. mangsa tuh? beg sape lagi klu bukan beg aku...
beg aku...beg aku punyer kawan....Muqri.... kebetulan mase nih dier balek umah kat dungun ngan kakak dier Mardy...kbetulan jugak dlm. bilik tuh x de org. kcuali Rasyid yg. sdg. khusyuk baca buku..igtkan buat mnde dlm. beg muqri...nk beranak rupnyer....pepon tahniah Muqri sbb. dpt. anak baru...hu3
Gambar gambar nih plak ialah gambar pemenang bagi kejohanan Closed Terengganu Representative U-18 2009... As part of the training process...We all lawan same2 sendiri....dari atas ialah Top 5..
2-Aku la..

Ha..Stakat ni je gambar yg. aku amik kat PPD lama.....kte stop jap kat sini b4 aku sambung ttg. citer kt Selangor plak....kpd. sesiapa yg. x de gambar lagi stakat nih(selain drp. yang paling atas tuh) jgn. trase ati k? aku nih mmg. bukan jenis suka amik gambar byk2.....hu3 sorry sorry...
Yg. Belakang Skali dr. kiri : Fatin, Syahirah, Farah, Sufiah, Muhsin, Aku la sape lagi, Azman, Amirul,Muqri,Nazrin,Faez,
Yg. ke-3 Belakang dari kiri: Mardy, Amira, Cikgu Khaliza, Ckgu Rosli, Ckgu Hamidi, Ckgu Wan Zani, Aminurrasyid, Huzaimi, Adli
Yg. ke-2 Depan dari kiri no.:Aminah, Najmi, Raihan, Najwa, Farhana, Adli, Aiman (Z), Aiman (A), Syawal
Yg. Paling Depan dari kiri no:Musfirah, Hamidah, Khadijah, Fatimah, Ain, Syahirah, Aisyah, Arif,Aziz, Syarhan, Mubin
Sorry la kat korang sbb aku dah lama x update blog ni (ader orang marah ke?x de pon kan) mungkin sbb aku on hiatus lame sgt.. x de org dh bace blog aku lps2 nih...
x pe la...aku nak citer la pasal terengganu MSSM 2009 tahun nih.. berlangsung di Hotel Goldcourse, Klang, Selangor dari 16-20 Mac 2009. Tapi sebelum aku citer pasal tournament nih aku nak citer ckit ckit la pasal latihan pusat yang dijalankan kat PPD Dungun lama.
We all mari kat PPD Lama Dungun pada 4 Mac 2009 agi sampai 12 Mac 2009. Aku x mau citer a pasal mnde yg. kite latihkan tp. the Sw33t M3m0ry yg we all buat mse kat sane.....Ni gambar aku makan ngan Azman kat PPD lama....Skali aku makan 2 bungkus abis...jd. kuota makanan utk. aku ialah 2 bungkus sehari..hu4...gembira rasenyer perut di hati....aku pegi sana mmg. kena cop sbagai "The Great Eater" a....sume org kalu x abis mknn offer kat aku..aku cam terasa diri ni mcam riya' la plak bagitau yang aku nih "The Great Eater"...(orang x kisah kan?)
Dari Kiri: Rasyid MRSMKB, Azman SESDU, Adli SMKDG, Muqri TESMAL, Nazrin IMTIAZ KT, Muhsin IZ, Aku SESMA, Faez @ Nabil TMS(ke ader glaran laen dh?)
Adoi...kalu korang tgk selipar aku kan..tgk 3..ha ader ape kat situ? jawapn nyer senang sajer.... Azman mnde jawapan nyer? nvm nvm..6t aku bagitau...k btw...selipar tuh kat PPD nih due2 putus..menginjuredkn selipar tu la nasib baek selipar tu x mati lagi.aku bley la pakai sampai balik cuti ari khamis 2 hari.....ok..lets go the next picture.....mnde?jawapan mnde plak? kat Selipar tuh ade mnde?la..tgk betol2...
kan ade kaki kat situ....ha5....ketawalah.... ...... .... ..
x lawak ke? Terbolah aku dibuatnyer.....
Ha....satu lagi citer pasal kat taman permainan nih...igt x? yang tukang amik gambar td....kesian kat Mirol sbb. x ley masuk gambar tuh so aku pon decide utk amik la gambar photographer kite nih..huhu....TQ AZ!!!ah..jap... nmpk x batu kat blakang tuh..x nampak ke? x pe x pe nanti kte jenguk kjap
Gambar nih plak ialah gambar kiteorang naek Batu Kinabalu beramai2...Tgk tuh...Nak jatuh blake tuh..tuh la sbbnyer menyenggeng ke arah kiri.....hu4
Ok...aku amik skit jer gambar lepas nih...x tau nk rated camner.....hmmm......tgk je la dulu...klu x leh tgk.. jgn tgk....
dlm beg!!! Satu situasi yang mengejutkan dan membestkan lagi latihan pusat PPD nih...for your information today is our friend's birthday.... on behalf of the Terengganu Chess Players and humankind..I would like to wish happy birthday to the 3 cats...Blacky..Snow..and Ebony..We hope you will succeed and live happily...
btw..pepon...nak tau x beg sape yg. jd. mangsa tuh? beg sape lagi klu bukan beg aku...
beg aku...beg aku punyer kawan....Muqri.... kebetulan mase nih dier balek umah kat dungun ngan kakak dier Mardy...kbetulan jugak dlm. bilik tuh x de org. kcuali Rasyid yg. sdg. khusyuk baca buku..igtkan buat mnde dlm. beg muqri...nk beranak rupnyer....pepon tahniah Muqri sbb. dpt. anak baru...hu3
Gambar gambar nih plak ialah gambar pemenang bagi kejohanan Closed Terengganu Representative U-18 2009... As part of the training process...We all lawan same2 sendiri....dari atas ialah Top 5..
Ha..Stakat ni je gambar yg. aku amik kat PPD lama.....kte stop jap kat sini b4 aku sambung ttg. citer kt Selangor plak....kpd. sesiapa yg. x de gambar lagi stakat nih(selain drp. yang paling atas tuh) jgn. trase ati k? aku nih mmg. bukan jenis suka amik gambar byk2.....hu3 sorry sorry...
sw33t m3mOry T3r3ngg@nu Ch3sz 2009-Miss ALL of YOU-
>>L@t1han pusat PPD LAMA<<
>>L@t1han pusat PPD LAMA<<
Jumaat, 23 Januari 2009
=====>Basketball Semsas Petronas 3v3 <====
Mase ari Sabtu minggu lepas, skool aku anta 8 team (4 boyz 4 gurlz) maen 3v3 Petronas SBP challenge kat Semsas..
With SEMESTA, the title holder skrang dah tergolong dlm. zon tengah, gelaran juara terbuka kpd. semua team especially the 4 Big East Guns.....
Team 1
Team aku skali ngan Semsas 1 ngan Sbpi Temerloh mase group stage...
Sesma 1 vs Semsas 1 >5-3<
Sesma 1 vs Sbpi Temerloh 1 >3-2<
mle2 mase lawan ngan SEMSAS team aku comfortably mng 5-3
tp. mase lawan ngan Temerloh team aku sebenarnye trailing by 2-0..
tp. nasib baek sempat kejar sehinggalah menang 3-2....
hence, team aku bley pergi elimination round..
first stage is last 16
Sesma vs Faris 1 >3-2<
Game ni mmg. aku score mle2...then faris equalised and score 1 more...and team aku plak equalised jd 2-2....sehinggalah saat yg. terakhir...Adham managed to score the winning point jz after the whistle berbunyi (bola dilepaskan dulu) aku mng. la 3-2
which brings team SESMA to the quarter-final against tuan rumah...
Sesma vs Semsas 4 >(Sesma wins by free throw) 3-3 <
Game nih mcm. bukan game basketball... both teams maen body cam maen slam ball (kalau tgk axn tau la slam ball tuh naper)..and aku nih dah la kurus...kalu maen body mmg. x nasib baek la nafis nyer body quite tough...bley counter semsas nyer body fight....mase free throw...aku n adham neither score free throw tp. Nafis managed to score...aku rase nafis score 5/6 free throw and team Semsas score 4/ aku pon x brape nk. sure
Team-team yg. masuk semi-final mmg. the top 4 schools in zon timur...namely SMSD, SMACH, SESMA, FARIS aka the 4 big east gunz.... and its a pleasure to see each school anta 1 wakil for the semi-final..
Sesma vs Faris Petra
SMSD vs Smach
Sesma vs Faris Petra >(Sesma wins by free throw) 2-2 (aku x sure whether its 3-3)<
Dalam game nih aku mmg. dah aku mmg. just hope Nafis and Adham bley la contribute for the team score....and mmg. both of them berjaya buat camtu and aku mmg. bersyukur sekali....mase free throw nafis and adham both failed to score dan Faris pon x berjaya score all 3 attempts..alhamdulillah, aku berjaya score the sole point in the session and help team aku pergi ke final...
Dalam game semi-final satu lagi..Smach vs SMSD...SMACH mng. and arranged for a Terengganu vs Kelantan Final showdown..huhu...SESMA vs SMACH....
3rd & 4th placing
Sesma vs Smach <7-10>
Game nih aku mmg. gile exhausted lah...dah la maen 7 minit...aku mmg. x rox at least still can put up a fight until the last second..huhuhu....walaupun team SESMA klh this game, tp. it's still a good game...
1st place -> Sains Machang
2nd place -> Sultan Mahmud (Predators)
3nd place -> Faris Petra (Vipers)
4th place -> Sains Dungun (Sharks)
and the reward for the 1st and 2nd place...bley pegi KLCC on 14th February for 3v3 peringkat kebangsaan SBP Petronas Challenge... and AND 1 voucher valued...RM200 per player...
Mase ari Sabtu minggu lepas, skool aku anta 8 team (4 boyz 4 gurlz) maen 3v3 Petronas SBP challenge kat Semsas..
With SEMESTA, the title holder skrang dah tergolong dlm. zon tengah, gelaran juara terbuka kpd. semua team especially the 4 Big East Guns.....
Team 1
Team aku skali ngan Semsas 1 ngan Sbpi Temerloh mase group stage...
Sesma 1 vs Semsas 1 >5-3<
Sesma 1 vs Sbpi Temerloh 1 >3-2<
mle2 mase lawan ngan SEMSAS team aku comfortably mng 5-3
tp. mase lawan ngan Temerloh team aku sebenarnye trailing by 2-0..
tp. nasib baek sempat kejar sehinggalah menang 3-2....
hence, team aku bley pergi elimination round..
first stage is last 16
Sesma vs Faris 1 >3-2<
Game ni mmg. aku score mle2...then faris equalised and score 1 more...and team aku plak equalised jd 2-2....sehinggalah saat yg. terakhir...Adham managed to score the winning point jz after the whistle berbunyi (bola dilepaskan dulu) aku mng. la 3-2
which brings team SESMA to the quarter-final against tuan rumah...
Sesma vs Semsas 4 >(Sesma wins by free throw) 3-3 <
Game nih mcm. bukan game basketball... both teams maen body cam maen slam ball (kalau tgk axn tau la slam ball tuh naper)..and aku nih dah la kurus...kalu maen body mmg. x nasib baek la nafis nyer body quite tough...bley counter semsas nyer body fight....mase free throw...aku n adham neither score free throw tp. Nafis managed to score...aku rase nafis score 5/6 free throw and team Semsas score 4/ aku pon x brape nk. sure
Team-team yg. masuk semi-final mmg. the top 4 schools in zon timur...namely SMSD, SMACH, SESMA, FARIS aka the 4 big east gunz.... and its a pleasure to see each school anta 1 wakil for the semi-final..
Sesma vs Faris Petra
SMSD vs Smach
Sesma vs Faris Petra >(Sesma wins by free throw) 2-2 (aku x sure whether its 3-3)<
Dalam game nih aku mmg. dah aku mmg. just hope Nafis and Adham bley la contribute for the team score....and mmg. both of them berjaya buat camtu and aku mmg. bersyukur sekali....mase free throw nafis and adham both failed to score dan Faris pon x berjaya score all 3 attempts..alhamdulillah, aku berjaya score the sole point in the session and help team aku pergi ke final...
Dalam game semi-final satu lagi..Smach vs SMSD...SMACH mng. and arranged for a Terengganu vs Kelantan Final showdown..huhu...SESMA vs SMACH....
3rd & 4th placing
Sesma vs Smach <7-10>
Game nih aku mmg. gile exhausted lah...dah la maen 7 minit...aku mmg. x rox at least still can put up a fight until the last second..huhuhu....walaupun team SESMA klh this game, tp. it's still a good game...
1st place -> Sains Machang
2nd place -> Sultan Mahmud (Predators)
3nd place -> Faris Petra (Vipers)
4th place -> Sains Dungun (Sharks)
and the reward for the 1st and 2nd place...bley pegi KLCC on 14th February for 3v3 peringkat kebangsaan SBP Petronas Challenge... and AND 1 voucher valued...RM200 per player...
Basketball Tournaments this year
Catatan (Atom)